Vitamins and supplements are becoming more popular. The survey found that 63 percent of the nation currently takes a vitamin or supplement, up 3 percent from 2011. Of those who take supplements, multivitamins were once again the most popular choice, with 72 percent of respondents reporting that they take the supplement on a regular basis. Other top supplements by those who take vitamins were:
“It’s difficult for most people to consume the recommended daily servings of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially while juggling work and family,” said Sharon Richter, a Registered Dietician based in New York City. “These findings reaffirm how important many feel it is to maintain a vitamin or supplement regimen to ensure your body is getting all the nutrients needed on a daily basis.”
Most Americans consider themselves to be “active” (81%). Of those, the survey found that nearly six in 10 (56%) believe vitamins and supplements are necessary to achieve your health and fitness goals.
Other notable findings from the survey include:
Are you Vitamin D Deficient?
70 percent of Americans could be at risk of Vitamin D deficiency due to indoor working conditions. Even among vitamin takers, despite being indoors most of the day, only half (51%) take a vitamin D supplement on a regular basis.
Healthy Family Choices
Parents are passing on healthy habits to their kids, with 54 percent giving their children a regular vitamin and/or supplement. Most days of the week, 64 percent of parents pack their children a healthy lunch, 9 in 10 (89%) give their kids fruits and/or vegetables for a snack, and 84 percent exercise or are active with their children for 30 minutes or more.
Pillow Talk
If given a choice, half (50%) of Americans would want a vitamin that could improve their significant other’s listening skills. Other areas that both genders agree can use improvement: cleaning (43%), physique (37%) and cooking skills (35%). Fortunately for the guys, ranked last on the women’s “needs improvement” list is “bedroom” skills (25%).
You can view the full survey findings below:
The Vitamin Shoppe “America’s View on Vitamins” Survey Results
How many days per week, if any, do you take vitamins and/or supplements?
Response | % |
1 day per week | 2%(1) |
2 days per week | 3% |
3 days per week | 3% |
4 days per week | 2% |
5 days per week | 3% |
6 days per week | 1% |
7 days per week | 48% |
Do not take vitamin | 37% |
QuickFacts(2) | |
Take vitamins and/or supplements | 63% |
Average (those who take vitamin and/or supplement) | 6 days |
Which of the following vitamins and supplements, if any, do you currently take? Please choose all that apply.
(Asked among those who take a vitamin and/or supplement)
Response | % |
Multivitamin | 72% |
Vitamin D | 51% |
Vitamin C | 49% |
Calcium | 43% |
B Vitamins | 42% |
Fish oil | 40% |
Iron | 27% |
CoQ10 | 11% |
Other | 4% |
How many days per week, if any, do you give your child/children a vitamin and/or supplement?
(Asked among those with a child under the age of 18 in their household)
Response | % |
1 day per week | 3% |
2 days per week | 2% |
3 days per week | 4% |
4 days per week | 4% |
5 days per week | 6% |
6 days per week | 2% |
7 days per week | 34% |
Do not give child vitamin and/or supplement | 44% |
Don’t know/refused | 2% |
QuickFacts | |
Give child a vitamin and/or supplement | 54% |
Average | 3 days |
Average (those who give child vitamin and/or supplement) | 6 days |
How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement – I feel more confident about my overall health when taking vitamins and/or supplements.
(Asked among those who take a vitamin and/or supplement)
Response | % |
Strongly agree | 46% |
Somewhat agree | 47% |
Somewhat disagree | 4% |
Strongly Disagree | 3% |
Don’t know/refused | 0% |
QuickFacts | |
Agree (net) | 93% |
Disagree (net) | 6% |
Thinking of the research and studies you have seen about vitamins and their impact on health, how much or how little influence did those studies have on which vitamins you buy?
Response | % |
A lot of influence | 17% |
A little influence | 28% |
Not much influence | 22% |
No influence at all | 32% |
I have never seen a single study about vitamins | 1% |
QuickFacts | |
Influences (net) | 66% |
Does not influence (net) | 32% |
Which of the following, if any, do you usually do three or more days a week?
Response | % |
Have fruits and/or vegetables for a snack | 86% |
Make a homemade balanced dinner | 85% |
Exercise or be active for 30 minutes or more | 75% |
Take a vitamin and/or supplement | 61% |
Pack a healthy lunch | 53% |
Meditate | 25% |
None of these | 1% |
Which of the following, if any, do you usually do three or more days a week with or for your child/children?
(Asked among those with a child under the age of 18 in their household)
Response | % |
Give them fruits and/or vegetables for a snack | 89% |
Make a homemade balanced dinner | 87% |
Exercise or be active for 30 minutes or more | 84% |
Pack a healthy lunch | 64% |
Take a vitamin and/or supplement | 53% |
Meditate | 14% |
None of these | 3% |
If your significant other could take a vitamin to improve upon any of the following areas, which would you choose?
(Asked among those with a significant other)
Response | % |
Listening | 50% |
Cleaning | 43% |
Physique | 37% |
Cooking | 35% |
“Bedroom” Skills | 31% |
Dancing | 24% |
Don’t know/refused | 20% |
Which of the following, if any, do you consider yourself?