Five Key Questions to Develop a Winning Entrepreneurial Mindset

Entrepreneurs who achieve success possess unique qualities such as innovation, tenacity, and mastery. The most successful among them understand how to increase sales, lead their teams, and facilitate growth. Interestingly, many entrepreneurs share similar characteristics that contribute to both personal and professional success. These qualities relate to having the right mindset, skillset and activity — topics often discussed in The Alternative Board meetings.
Mindset is particularly important for business growth, yet it is often the main obstacle that prevents individuals from achieving their goals.

A positive and resolute mindset is a key factor in driving business success. But what does a strong mindset entail? While having drive, attitude, and determination are crucial, a truly successful mindset requires introspection. To evaluate your mindset as both a business owner and a person, consider these five important questions:

1. How committed am I to achieving my goals?

Commitment involves dedicating your mind and spirit to a specific goal or course of action. However, merely having a goal is not the same as being committed to achieving it. Commitment is the inner motivation that propels you towards your objectives.

Measuring commitment can be a challenging task. Most entrepreneurs have set goals and work towards achieving them, but what distinguishes committed individuals is their ability to overcome challenges, obstacles, and dealbreakers that inevitably arise during the journey.
Smart planning is a crucial aspect of commitment. It is not enough to merely envision success; one must also devise strategies to overcome obstacles that may arise along the way.

2. Do you believe in what you are doing?

Most entrepreneurs start their businesses based on a combination of personal expertise and market demand. However, an increasing number of business leaders are motivated by their passion. This passion could be related to offering valuable products or services to the market, contributing to the greater good, or being excited about innovation and futuristic concepts.
The particular reason behind starting your business is not as crucial as your inherent belief in the significance of your work. By imbuing your business and mission with a sense of purpose and meaning that goes beyond just financial goals, you significantly enhance your entrepreneurial mindset.

3. Do I believe in myself?

Self-confidence is such a central part of the winning mindset of an entrepreneur. Believing in one’s own ability to create, run and grow a business takes a lot of chutzpah. But it is important not to confuse boldness with fearlessness – and a good dose of fear is actually good. An entrepreneur’s ability to transform personal fear into positive action empowers them to be better business leaders. Self-trust enables you to take calculated risks, allows you to learn from your failures, and allows you to leverage your talents to achieve your goals. If you struggle with self-doubt and have ambitions for entrepreneurship, now is probably a good time to work on improving your confidence. It starts with recognizing your strengths, valuing your talents and trusting your capabilities to make smart decisions.

4. Do I see setbacks as failures or opportunities to learn?

While never an easy pill to swallow, entrepreneurs do actually learn more from their failures than from their successes. Henry Ford’s first automobile manufacturing business went bankrupt prior to his launching of the Ford Motor Company. Walt Disney’s first cartoon was a flop. And perhaps most infamously, Steve Jobs was fired from Apple. Of course, he was subsequently rehired and went on to mastermind Apple’s meteoric rise to become the largest public company in the history of the world.

5. Do I have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset?

Developing a growth mindset is crucial for entrepreneurs who want to succeed. Unlike a fixed mindset, which limits one’s beliefs and potential, a growth mindset embraces innovation, change, and overcoming obstacles. Entrepreneurs with a growth mindset are open to learning, continuously improving their skills and knowledge, and willing to take calculated risks to achieve their goals. By reflecting on these mindset-related questions, entrepreneurs can better understand their strengths and weaknesses, and cultivate the mindset necessary to succeed in business.

The Alternative Boards (TAB) is the world’s leading peer advisory boards and business coaching network! For more information about franchise The Alternative Board in your region, please visit or contact us at

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