South Korean home shopping channel to launch in Thai market


South Korean High Shopping Co, a joint venture between InTouch Media and Hyundai Home Shopping, is set to become the third South Korean home shopping operator to enter the Thai market, with a launch in Vietnam slated for the second quarter of 2016.

High Shopping’s goal is to be among the top three players in Thailand’s 20-billion-baht home shopping market by 2020, according to the Bangkok Post. “Thailand’s home shopping market has a lot of potential, with annual 20 percent growth to reach 20 billion baht in 2020, double the revenue last year,” explained Lee Hae-seung, High Shopping’s Chief Executive.
Home Shopping currently represents just 0.5 percent of Thailand’s retail industry, compared to 4 percent in South Korea. High Shopping is predicting that, of the 2,500 products it will offer for sale by mid-2016, cosmetics and kitchenware will be the best-sellers.
The inventory will initially be made up of premium Korean brands, with international brands once the channel is established. The shopping channel is hoping to achieve sales of THB4.5 billion by 2020, with a 25 percent market share.
The company is planning to broadcast on satellite TV platforms initially before expanding to cable and mobile devices.
Source: Retail News Asia


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